Hello! I’m Kristen Lunceford.

I am the author of the book The Pursuit of Grace.

I am married to my husband, Adam and have been for almost 17 years. We have four incredible children and enjoy living in the beautiful state of Arizona. Regrettably, Diet Coke fuels me for mom-life, which is beautiful chaos.

Being outdoors is my love language. I love hiking, biking, campfires, and travelling. My favorite places I have travelled to include Rome, Santorini, and Mykonos. The older I get the more History means to me, so I love visiting any place that has some venerability.

My passion for the Lord began developing at a young age watching my grandfather preach, study the bible, and reach out to hurting people. My parents continued that development with their own pursuit of the Lord, revealing to me the importance and impact of a life surrendered to Jesus.

It is my aim to devote my time to furthering the Kingdom by revealing the nature of God and His endless pursuit of all people. It is in the name of Jesus that Hope has made its entrance.


I began writing The Pursuit of Grace about 13 years ago…I just didn’t know it yet. I was living the life I called myself to for many years until the Lord decided to reveal Himself to me and then create a desire to live the life He was calling me to. The Lord was calling me to let go of the shame I carried from a broken marriage, the shame I carried from an eating disorder, and the shame I felt for being broken. I had let my shame dictate my value and my worth in the church. I believed the lie that there is no room for broken people, so it was best to pretend to be whole. It was nothing but a facade that imprisoned me for years.

It was through a long journey that the Lord revealed His power working in it all. He was going to use my traumas, my wounds, and my scars to bring glory to His name. It was time to use my broken pieces to testify to the One who could put them back together…the One that could provide ultimate healing. I realized I was never meant to live a mission for myself and the conveniences of my own life, but rather I was called to live a mission for the Lord, and that the broken pieces were necessary to a ministry of hope to a hurting world.